Stress is seen as the cause of various physical and psychological problems
Recognizing stress triggers and building up the body's own resources are strategies that help to increase the body's ability to adapt to both foreseeable and unforeseeable stress situations.
- What can we do to cope better with the increasing demands and increasing speed of our time?
- How can we strengthen our own resources to become more resilient?
- Stress buffer capacity of physical performance: from the ACTUAL to the TARGET state
- What is the connection between health behavior, stress levels and sleep quality?
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses in people's everyday health behavior as a basis for the development of targeted and efficient interventions.
These and other questions are the focus of this research area.
► Traunmüller et al (2024). Influence of 6-weeks of inpatient rehabilitation on performance and health in patients with depressive disorder - submitted
► Traunmüller et al (2021). Resilience moderates the relationship between the psychological impact of COVID-19 and anxiety
► Traunmüller et al (2019). Psychophysiological concomitants of burnout: Evidence for different subtypes
► Traunmüller et al (2017). The Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Allostatic Load